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Title -S.A.Marionetas 25 years working for the puppet
Organization - Sofia Olivença Vinagre
Design and Layout - Andreia Silvano
Interviews -Manuel Leiria
Review - Natacha Costa Pereira
Cover photography - Márcia Bellotti and Luiza Porto
Printing and finishing - Portuguese Printer
Circulation - 1000 copies
Edition - S.A.Marionetas
ISBN - 978-989-96554-3-0
Legal Deposit - 519150/23
360 - pages
24.5 X 28 X 2 - Colors
€30.00 + shipping costs

Collection - S.A.Marionetas puppet theater notebooks
Title -Inês de Castro
Original by Sofia Olivença Vinagre, Natacha Costa Pereira and José Manuel Valbom Gil
Organization - Sofia Olivença Vinagre
Circulation - 150 copies
Edition - S.A.Marionetas
ISBN - 978-989-96554-1-6
Legal Deposit - 505485/23
45 - pages
14.5 X 21 X 0.5 - Black and White
€5.00 + shipping costs

Collection - S.A.Marionetas puppet theater notebooks
Title -D. Sancho II - The Unlucky One
Original by Sofia Olivença Vinagre, Natacha Costa Pereira and José Manuel Valbom Gil
Organization - Natacha Costa Pereira
Circulation - 150 copies
Edition - S.A.Marionetas
ISBN - 978-989-96554-2-3
Legal Deposit - 518195/23
30 - pages
14.5 X 21 X 0.5 - Black and White
€5.00 + shipping costs

Collection - S.A.Marionetas puppet theater notebooks
Title -Teatro Dom Roberto by the hands of reed artist José Manuel Valbom Gil
Original by José Manuel Valbom Gil
Organization - José Manuel Valbom Gil
Circulation - 150 copies
Edition - S.A.Marionetas
ISBN - 978-989-96554-4-7
Legal Deposit - 519323/23
69 - pages
17 X 24 X 0.5 - Black and White
€5.00 + shipping costs

Title -Inês de Castro - Paper Theater - Theatrum Puparum
Illustrations - Natacha Costa Pereira
Text by Sofia Olivença Vinagre, Natacha Costa Pereira and José Manuel Valbom Gil
Circulation - 1000 copies
Edition - S.A.Marionetas / Association friends of the Alcobaça Monastery
Legal Deposit -
8 - pages
43 X 30 X 0.5 - Colors
€10.00 + shipping costs
You can also purchase SAMarionetas publications here:
- ARMAZÉM DAS ARTES R. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 38, ALCOBAÇA
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