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Artistic File


Original text
Sofia Vinagre, José Gil and Natacha Costa Pereira
Handling Direction
José Gil
Puppet Construction
Natacha Costa Pereira and José Gil
Puppet Costumes
Sofia Vinagre
Puppet Painting
José Gil
Puppeteer costumes
Sofia Vinagre
José Gil, Natacha Costa Pereira and Sofia Vinagre
Scenic Structures
José Gil
Sofia Vinagre

Portucale ”recreates the period from the wedding of D. Henrique to D. Teresa to the battle of Ourique where D. Afonso Henriques is acclaimed as“ King ”by his soldiers enthusiastic about victory.
Table and stick puppets are used, which work on a mobile structure. The performances take place on top of the structure, but when transported by the three elements of the troupe, it has a cloth cover and is decorated by two gargoyles recreating a two-headed animal. Thus, a very popular symbol used at the time is used, the whole stage being disguised as a cart / animal.
Through research on illuminations and texts of the time, we reproduced two of the possible manipulation techniques that were used. The technique of "male puppets" and "table puppets". In this way we created the puppets using wood and iron, also recreating the clothes and the way of working the wood of the time so that the final result is the closest. Puppeteers also received the same attention as they are in public view. The lighting of the scenic space was also thought in the same way using candles with a thick wick. The narrative was created rigorously with respect to the events, but of course with some “touches” of humor as is usual in the company's productions, used for this sometimes the interaction between the puppeteers themselves who are in view of the public, as well as the relationship between puppets - public and puppeteer.

Award - "Best Public Show" - MÓ Festival Marionetas e Objectos de Oeiras - 2021



male puppets
25 / 30 min
5 m
5 m
Assembly: 2h00
Disassembly: 1h30
Support space: 1 dressing room
Classification: All ages


itinerant street version - duration: 30 minutes

fixed indoor or outdoor version - duration: 45 minutes


Edição Pedro Rilhó

indoor fixed version

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